
Hericium-MRL (Hericium erinaceus)


Cultivation Process of Hericium-MRL

Mycology Research Laboratories Ltd.´s Hericium erinaceus, is grown on a sterilised (autoclaved) substrate under ISO 22000:2018 standards in the EU.

This cultivation process ensures the powder complies with the EU regulation 1881/2006 for contamination of pesticides and heavy metals. The cultivation system is proprietary, allowing for standardised production of Hericium erinaceus.

MRL mushrooms biomass offers a mixture of many co-operating and co-related healthful bioavailable ingredients prepared by nature itself – it is thus a truly pure natural product.

After cultivation the Hericium erinaceus is then manufactured in the Netherlands into 500 mg tablets and in various powder forms to FSSC 22000 (Version 4.1) standards.

Veterinary products are manufactured under veterinary registration number (NL217476).

Moreover, all powder presentations are produced and manufactured in accordance with both EU and UK organic standards

Please find link to the characterization of the bioactive compounds in Hericium-MRL.
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Chemical and Biological Properties

Hericium-MRL- Enzyme activity (U/500 mg Biomass)*

Superoxide dismutase (SOD) 19.430 103 U
NADPH (Cyt. "P-450" reductase) 4,620 uM
GSH Reductase 21.74 U
Catalase 96.1 U
Laccase 75.6 U
Tyrosinase 2369 U
Peroxidase 4.77 U

* Cornelius C. e tal “ Comparative Enzyme Analysis of Polyporus umbellatus, Agaricus blazei, Pleurotus osteratus and Hericium erinaceus” pp 5, Clinical Journal of Mycology, 7;2009 Vol II.