
In this area, healthcare practitioners can find more about our initiatives and access uselfull information about the benefits of mushroom nutrition.
  • Seminars Mycology Research Laboratories makes an effort to organize lectures and seminars to improve practitioners knowledge on Mushroom Nutrition. View seminars
  • Webinars In addition, MRL has developed a series of webinars for healthcare practitioners. View webinars
  • Videos Healthcare practitioners can access videos from our latest conferences about Mushroom Nutrition. Watch videos
  • Orders and Prices For healthcare practitioners to access the special practitioner prices, we request that practitioners register. Registration form

Are you a healthcare practitioner? Have access to special practitioner prices.

Register as practitioner


In order to provide guidance on the use of mushroom nutrition to healthcare practitioners, Mycology Research Laboratories Ltd has organized the following seminars:

Date City
Title Presenter
Organization To register
March 8th Milan
Neuronutrienti in Medicina Neuroprotettiva: Ruolo dei Funghi Terapeutici
(lecture language:Italian)
Prof Vittorio Calabrese ISLA Register
March 14th-15th Simpelveld
Medicinale Paddenstoelen
(course language:Dutch)
Prof. Harald van der Biest NatuurApotheek Register


In order to provide guidance on the use of mushroom nutrition to healthcare practitioners, Mycology Research Laboratories Ltd has organized the following webinars:

Date City
Title Presenter
Organization To register
October 5th London,
United Kingdom
Use of Mushroom Nutriton in Metabolic Syndrome:
Benefiting from a TCM Perspective

Thursday 19:00 GMT
Zuzana Vančuříková
(MD, Lac)
Karel Šimonovský



Recorded MRL Webinars

Note: only registered practitioners have access to these videos. We request that practitioners register by filling in the registration form or Login.
Practitioners also obtain practitioner discounts.


Recorded MRL Webinars

Note: only registered practitioners have access to these videos. We request that practitioners register by filling in the registration form or Login.
Practitioners also obtain practitioner discounts.

The Effectiveness of Mushroom Nutrition in Women’s Health - The Liver Link
Free Webinar - February 12th 2022

Note: only registered practitioners have access to these videos. We request that practitioners register by filling in the registration form or Login.
Practitioners also obtain practitioner discounts.


The Use of Mushroom Nutrition in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture
Free Webinar - June 26th 2021

Note: only registered practitioners have access to these videos. We request that practitioners register by filling in the registration form or Login.
Practitioners also obtain practitioner discounts.

Coriolus versicolor Nutrition in Animal Health:
From Scientific Understanding to the Clinical Application of Corpet
Free Webinar - June 11th 2021

Note: only registered practitioners have access to these videos. We request that practitioners register by filling in the registration form or Login.
Practitioners also obtain practitioner discounts.

The Role of Mushroom Nutrition in Naturopathy and Nutrition

Note: only registered practitioners have access to these videos. We request that practitioners register by filling in the registration form or Login.
Practitioners also obtain practitioner discounts.


HPV and Cervical Cancer: New Developments

Monro Lecture Series
September 23rd , 2006

Note: only registered practitioners have access to these videos. We request that practitioners register by filling in the registration form or Login.
Practitioners also obtain practitioner discounts.

Orders and Prices

For healthcare practitioners to access the special practitioner prices, we request that practitioners register by filling in the registration form
We consider the submission of this registration form as permission for MRL to verify the information provided.

With registration, MRL offers practitioners a discount on the purchase of MRL products. In order to register, create an account with your data.

From those healthcare practitioners who wish to source MRL products form established distributors, please find the following contacts for your use:

Distributor to Professionals Email Contact Toll Free Number
Aneid UK Ltd Tel:
Breakspear Medical Tel:
01442 261333 ext: 291
Natural Dispensary Ltd Tel:
Revital Ltd. Tel:
or send us a message in case you have any doubts

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