Clinical Articles

The following section outlines the clinical papers, posters and proposals that refer to the clinical use of MRL mushroom nutrition products. This information is for healthcare practitioners only and should not be provided to members of the general public.
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(1) Department of Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences, University of Catania,
(2) Department of Medical and Surgery Sciences, University of Catania,
(3) School of Human and Scocial Science, “Kore” University of EnnaEnna, Italy;
(4) Centro Scienze dell’Invecchiamento e Medicina Traslazionale-CeSI-Met Chieti, Italy
* Correspondence: y These authors contributed equally to this work.

Received: 9 December 2019; Accepted: 27 December 2019; Published: 31 December 2019

In the December 2019, the International Journal of Molecular Sciences reported findings from a clinical trial in 40 MD patients suffering from cochlear sensorineural hearing loss. The research, by the University of Catania, has yielded promising results in the study of MD.(5)
The university researchers found that 22 MD patients supplemented with a nutritional mushroom biomass preparation of Coriolus versicolor (3 g/day for 2 months) experienced significant improvement in severity of tinnitus(†) and mood scores(*) compared with 18 MD patients who did not receive the mushroom biomass preparation.

Additionally, biomarkers of oxidative stress(‡) and defence response(§), were improved in MD patients treated with Coriolus versicolor, but were unchanged in the untreated group. This suggests that:
• systemic oxidative stress exists in patients affected by MD
• supplementation with Coriolus versicolor enhances the body’s defence mechanisms against oxidative damage.

(*) Significant improvement in scores for anger, confusion, depression, fatigue and tension (vigour was unchanged), based on questionnaire.
(†) Significant improvement in tinnitus handicap inventory (frequency range, average hearing loss in decibels and verbal discrimination), based on questionnaire.
(‡) Increased plasma protein carbonyls, hydroxynonenals and ultraweak luminescence and F2-isoprostanes.
(§) Increased lymphocyte levels of vitagenes (genes that encode heat shock proteins) such as heme oxygenase-1, heat shock protein 72, thioredoxin, sirtuin-1 and ɣ-GC liase; and an increase in the plasma ratio of reduced glutathione vs oxidised glutathione.

The Coriolus versicolor used in this preclinical study was supplied by Mycology Research Laboratories Ltd.

Link to the study